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In the beginning of 2020 fear spread across the world which caused countries to seal their borders, schools and businesses to shut down, sports teams to cancel seasons, and uncertainty in all of our lives. I was impacted through the isolation caused from the lock downs, but it allowed me to have a break from the distractions of the world. Through this time of reflection, I began wondering about the meaning of life and why it has to end. As I sunk into a deep hole of hopelessness, I believe God revealed himself to me spiritually and showed me who he was through his Word. The amount of unconditional love that flowed through my heart is indescribable, but I experienced something so miraculous that I couldn’t keep it to myself. The Truth that shined upon me released all of my fears and worries in the world as I knew who was in control of it all.

Going into my senior year of high school I had an idea to start my own clothing brand since I was already patching logos of sunsets and mountains on hoodies. I wanted to have original designs, but didn’t know what until a few days later when I read Romans 1:25 which says, "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised." Immediately a vision popped into my mind - Creator / Creation to signify that the Creator is above the creation. This means that we should be humble and put God first by honoring and thanking him for the gift of life.

I trust that God has a purpose for each of us and can create good outcomes from bad situations to those who acknowledge him. Since 2020, many have been awakened to the power of the rulers of this corrupted creation. The dark agendas being influenced by these forces have allowed for a great revival and the remaining story of the Book to be fulfilled. The mission of GloryUnchained is to let light shine before the world in hopes that others would see and give glory to the One who breaks the chains of sin. Amen.